Sunday, August 3, 2014

And cut. that's the scene.. let's go eat

Hi retrochallenge judges:

You thought it would be difficult to select the winner this year?

I'll make it easy for you then:

        pwd trounced this retrochallenge.

Just kidding, but in all reality, I tried to touch every aspect
of this compo that I could. I did some hardware restoration,
some legacy networking, some graphics work, some programming,
some interfacing, a lot of reading, and plenty of dicking around:
and I managed to keep the bomb from dropping till the end of July!

How was my summer? Retrochallenge 2014 *was* my summer. I went
swimming once so far, the day before the challenge began. Now I
suppose I should enjoy the last of the season before fall returns.
I know there is a bit more time, and I should be drawing a
schematic, but... at this point, I think it's suppertime (in USA).

So don't think I dropped the ball by not rushing
till the last second. I already did that yesterday,
'cause I mixed up the end date, so yeah,
until next time,


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